Saturday, April 30, 2011

Poet George Estreich’s memoir on Down Syndrome

Award-winning Corvallis poet George Estreich will read from his newly released memoir, “The Shape of the Eye: Down Syndrome, Family, and the Stories We Inherit,” on Wednesday, May 4, at Oregon State University.
The free public event begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Journey Room of OSU’s Memorial Union, with a book signing to follow.
In “The Shape of the Eye,” Estreich tells the story of raising his younger daughter, Laura, who is diagnosed with Down syndrome. Interweaving the scientific with the poetic, Estreich reflects on the idea of inheritance — in terms of genes, family legacy, and history. “The Shape of the Eye” is the latest title to appear in Southern Methodist University’s Medical Humanities Series.
Timothy Shriver, chairman and CEO of the Special Olympics, said Estreich’s book “draws us each into a new view of what it means to be ‘human’ and what it means to be ‘different.’ ”
Estreich is the author of the poetry collection “Textbook Illustrations of the Human Body,” winner of the 2003 Rhea and Seymour Gorsline Prize from Cloudbank Books.

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