Monday, June 10, 2013

Down Syndrome support group hits 'Monggi' photographers

MANILA, Philippines - A group of photographers using the term 'mongoloid' in reference to its members earned the ire of the Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines (DSAPI), prompting a change in the production company's name and logo.
Monggi Productions originally referred to its members as "mongoloid na pogi," before changing its name to "Motto ng Pogi" last week.
The change came upon the request of DSAPI parents who found the group's reference to people with Down syndrome offensive.
"We are all hurt by such terms, but the way for us to go is through showing them how wonderful our children are and that they have blessed our lives," DSAPI member Agnes Lapena said in the group's public Facebook account.
For its part, Monggi Productions made an apology in its own Facebook group, but insisted that it will keep its original name.
"It was not our intention to hurt or insult people with this affliction and we never will. We would like to inform you that your pleas have not fallen into deaf ears and has made our group more aware how offensive this word is. As of this writing, our group has already made corrective actions to remove this term from our page," the group said.
"However, we would still be keeping the name MONGGI as this name has already been a part of our group. This group has been established as of 2011 and the name somehow has already been a part of us and would be hurtful to disband it," it added.In response, a commenter named Neva Santos said people with Down Syndrome are not suffering from an affliction contrary to what the group wishes to believe.
"Choosing to keep your name after knowing how derogatory the term is, is really questionable. If you're concerned about keeping the number of your members, I believe that if all 447 of them are loyal to your cause and organization then they will move with you to your new page. I do hope you reconsider your decision of keeping "Monggi." You're a creative outfit, you can do better," " Santos said.
The group has since promised that it will look into the issue of name change.

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