Friday, May 17, 2013

At Disney Social Media Moms event, the small things made the event truly special

I’m very grateful for having been invited to the Disney Social Media Moms event this year. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it by myself with my two kiddos, but everything went great and actually much better than I planned!
The event was beautiful and we really enjoyed the family time. The second night, we were delighted with a beautiful dinner at Hollywood Studios, but the moment that made my day was when my daughter saw Minnie Mouse walking on the red carpet. She was holding her Minnie doll, so after watching Minnie walking, she turned to me and asked: “Mom, is that Minnie?” I said “yes” and then she said: “But, this is Minnie!” gesturing to her doll in her arms.
That was such sweetness from her. I didn´t know she thought her Minnie was the real Minnie, but after she realized and understood that it’s only a doll, she didn’t even want to have dinner anymore. She stood close to her chair, waiting for her brother to finish his supper, and then we headed to the line to have a picture taken with the “real” Minnie. This was the first time in her 6 years of life that she wasn’t scared of getting close to a big character. I know she was kind of concerned about it, but she did it and that’s a memory that she’ll always treasure in her heart, as I will in mine.
After meeting Minnie Mouse, both of my kids ran to the dancing area. They had fun. Real fun. They did their moves and felt happy and proud to be part of the event.
The event was filled with great activities like participating in Merida’s Celebration and seeing the exclusive release of the new Monster’s Inc. movie. We also had a great time at the party held at the Gardens with the kids from Disney Radio. The kids danced, had fun and followed the lead of a great team of dancers. It was such a joy to see my son dancing “La Macarena” and “YMCA.” Here it goes, Emir dancing with Chloe (Lorraine Ladish’s daughter) and Oliva & Sophia (Cristy Clavijo’s tweens)
The Disney Social Media Moms event created memorable times of great and simple stuff that made my kids feel included, loved and accepted all the time.
Typical families may not have this feeling, but for my family, this was the great outcome of the event. I got to see my kids happy, feeling able to participate fully, have fun and be cherished for being who they are: Emir and Ayelén, two wonderful kids living and loving life with Down syndrome.

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