Friday, February 28, 2014

Crenshaw Earns 2014 NDSS Champion of Change Award

, Feb. 27 -- Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla. (4th CD), issued the following news release: The National Down Syndrome Society today (2/27) awarded Congressman Ander Crenshaw its 2014 Champion of Change Award, citing his focus on advancing the nation's commitment to people with Down Syndrome through the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE Act - H.R. 647/S. 313). "Receiving the 2014 Champion of Change award is a great honor, but really the members of the National Down Syndrome Society and its wide base of dedicated volunteers deserve to take a bow," said Crenshaw, on Thursday after receiving the award. "Plain and simple: Individuals with disabilities should have access to the same financial planning tools as other Americans. That's why Congress needs to pass the ABLE Act. Tax free savings accounts would allow millions who do not have that freedom today an opportunity to pro-actively plan for their future and live to their full potential. With the steadfast commitment of NDSS and other organizations, we will all reach that goal together." NDSS President Jon Colman highlighted Crenshaw's commitment saying, "For eight years, Congressman Ander Crenshaw has worked tirelessly to pass the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act - a piece of landmark legislation that will positively impact people with Down syndrome and other disabilities forever. We can't thank him enough for his leadership, dedication, and passion to ensure that people with Down syndrome are valued, welcomed, and respected in everything they do. We are pleased to recognize him as our 2014 National Down Syndrome Society Champion of Change honoree." BACKGROUND: Crenshaw, Chairman of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee, is the author of the ABLE Act. The legislation would amend Internal Revenue Service code to create tax-free savings accounts to cover qualified expenses such as medical, post-secondary education, housing, and transportation costs. H.R. 647 currently has 334co-sponsors; S. 313 has 62 co-sponsors; and the legislation has earned the support of more than 100 state and national organizations

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