Saturday, April 14, 2012

Substitutes for the R-word

from by Terri Mauro:

Often, when asked not to use the R-word, defensive speakers will reply, "You can't say anything these days!" But people, that's just a failure of imagination. Many, many, many substitutes for that offensive slur against individuals with intellectual disabilities are just a thesaurus away. In fact, I'll make it even easier than that -- in these pages, I'll share 225 words that can easily stand in for the R-word and make your vocabulary less limited.

First, a selection of words to substitute for the R-word when you want to be self-deprecating. Fill in the blank with one of the 75 choices below.

"I am such a(n) ______________"
  1. airhead
  2. birdbrain
  3. blockhead
  4. blunderer
  5. bonehead
  6. boob
  7. bubblehead
  8. buffoon
  9. bungler
  10. butterfingers
  11. child
  12. chowderhead
  13. chucklehead
  14. clod
  15. clodhopper
  16. clown
  17. crackpot
  18. cuckoo
  19. damn-fool
  20. dim bulb
  21. dimwit
  22. ding-a-ling
  23. ding-dong
  24. dingbat
  25. dip
  26. dipstick
  27. dodo
  28. donkey
  29. doofus
  30. dope
  31. dolt
  32. dork
  33. dullard
  34. dumbbell
  35. dum-dum
  36. dunce
  37. dunderhead
  38. fathead
  39. featherhead
  40. fool
  41. goof
  42. goofball
  43. goose
  44. ignoramus
  45. incompetent
  46. jerk
  47. joke
  48. jughead
  49. know-nothing
  50. kook
  51. lamebrain
  52. lightweight
  53. loser
  54. lowbrow
  55. lummox
  56. lump
  57. lunkhead
  58. meathead
  59. nincompoop
  60. ninny
  61. nitwit
  62. noob
  63. numskull
  64. oaf
  65. ox
  66. pudding head
  67. scatterbrain
  68. schlub
  69. schnook
  70. screwball
  71. slug
  72. turkey
  73. yahoo
  74. yokel
  75. yo-yo
visit the article for the full 225 Substitutes for the R-word


  1. I'm OK with them, but they don't feel as aggressive as the r-word.
