The Alliance for Full Participation's November 17-19, 2011 Summit: Real Jobs--It's Everyone's Business, will be an historic convening of the leadership of the intellectual and developmental disability community.
The Alliance Summit will bring together proactive leaders from around the country, who will gather to share ideas, generate action plans and collectively commit to making the goal of doubling integrated employment for people with IDD a reality by the year 2015. Here's who is taking part:
- 15 national organizations.
- 48 state teams.
- Self advocates from around the country.
- Over 130 expert speakers.
- Employment leaders from Bank of America, Lowes, Walgreens, Home Depot, JW Winco, Acadia Windows and Doors, and Country Inn, St. Marys.
- CNN Special Correspondent Frank Sesno, who will lead a high energy, highly engaging Town Hall on the issues and stumbling blocks that keep us from our goal.
- State and federal policy leaders including Senator Tom Harkin (invited), Utah State Senator Menlove, representatives from the Department of Labor, ODEP, HHS, and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
- Family members, providers, researchers, direct support professionals, employers, policy makers, and program leaders. In short, everyone who shares a commitment and a passion for making the Alliance's vision of full integration for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities a reality.
In these economic times, employment matters more than ever. The Alliance Summit is about action. How will we, as a community, come together to ensure that integrated employment is a reality for all people with disabilities? Idea sharing, networking opportunities and a closing session that will result in actionable plans on a national, state and individual level all ensure that this meeting will have lasting impact.
Join with the Alliance for Full Participation, and be part of the movement to double integrated employment for people with IDD.
Real Jobs--It's Everyone's Business!
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