On Friday, the always controversial Ann Coulter refused to apologize for calling President Barack Obama "the retard" on Twitter.
A determined Piers Morgan tried his best to pull an apology from the defiant Coulter who insisted she had nothing to apologize for since her remark was not directed at the community of mentally disabled individuals who were offended by the tweet. "I was not referring to someone with Down syndrome," said Coulter. "I was referring to the president of the United States." "I didn't call the president a Down syndrome child," continued Coulter. "I used the word retard the same way people use idiot, cretin, moron and the rest of them which were all once technical terms and I had it with the language police."
Watch the clip and listen to the interview as Coulter explains why the "r-word" is not the same as the "n-word."
by Emanuella Grinberg, CNN - News Channel 5 WPTV NBC:
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stood by her decision to call President Barack Obama the "r word" in a tweet, and questioned whether the word is indeed offensive.
"Maybe [Vice President Joe] Biden should be upset with me calling the president a retard but not an actually disabled person," she said Friday in an interview on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight."
Coulter was addressing a tweet she sent following the third presidential debate between Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney.
"I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard," she posted to the social networking site.
She said in the interview she chose the word "because it's a synonym for 'loser.' " She professed to have used the word since.
Among the reaction to her post were a slew of critical tweets, as well as a blog post addressed to her by Special Olympic athlete John Franklin Stephens that went viral.
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