The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act ABLE of 2011 will be reintroduced in the U.S. Senate and House on November 15th.
The ABLE Act of 2011
The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) of 2011 will be reintroduced in the U.S. Senate and House on November 15.
The ABLE Act will give individuals with disabilities and their families the ability to save for their child's future just like every other American family, and help people with disabilities live full, productive lives in their communities without losing benefits provided through private insurances, the Medicaid program, the supplemental security income program, the beneficiary's employment, and other sources.
The account could fund a variety of essential expenses for individuals, including medical and dental care, education, community based supports, employment training, assistive technology, housing, and transportation.
We need your help! We need you to call your two Senators and Representative Click here and input your zip code for your Members and ask them to be an original cosponsor of the ABLE Act of 2011.
We've included a call script and all the information you need to make your phone calls.
**Note: Double check to see if your two Senators and Representative signed onto the bill in the last Congress (see below)
Should you have any questions or
feedback you'd like to send us,
please contact Susan Goodman
Congressional Support from the last session:
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 4/21/2010
Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] - 2/26/2009
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 2/26/2009
Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] - 5/26/2010
Sen Collins, Susan M. [ME] - 2/26/2010
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] - 2/26/2009
Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] - 3/15/2010
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [NY] - 7/30/2009
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 2/26/2009
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] - 3/16/2010
Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] - 2/26/2009
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] - 7/13/2010
Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 4/21/2010
Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA] - 2/24/2010
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] - 4/22/2009
Sen LeMieux, George S. [FL] - 2/24/2010
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ] - 4/30/2010
Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. [MD] - 5/26/2010
Sen Risch, James E. [ID] - 4/30/2009
Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] - 3/25/2009
Sen Stabenow, Debbie [MI] - 7/22/2010
Sen Tester, Jon [MT] - 9/15/2010
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [RI] - 10/1/2009
Sen Wicker, Roger F. [MS] - 3/19/2009
HR 1205
Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] - 6/12/2009
Rep Akin, W. Todd [MO-2] - 3/3/2009
Rep Andrews, Robert E. [NJ-1] - 3/17/2009
Rep Arcuri, Michael A. [NY-24] - 7/13/2010
Rep Bachmann, Michele [MN-6] - 4/22/2010
Rep Bachus, Spencer [AL-6] - 3/6/2009
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 5/7/2009
Rep Barrett, J. Gresham [SC-3] - 5/13/2010
Rep Barrow, John [GA-12] - 4/21/2009
Rep Bean, Melissa L. [IL-8] - 3/18/2009
Rep Berkley, Shelley [NV-1] - 3/12/2009
Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [GA-2] - 5/7/2009
Rep Bishop, Timothy H. [NY-1] - 5/13/2009
Rep Blackburn, Marsha [TN-7] - 3/3/2009
Rep Blunt, Roy [MO-7] - 3/3/2009
Rep Boccieri, John A. [OH-16] - 5/21/2009
Rep Bonner, Jo [AL-1] - 3/4/2010
Rep Bono Mack, Mary [CA-45] - 6/19/2009
Rep Boozman, John [AR-3] - 3/30/2009
Rep Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [GU] - 3/12/2009
Rep Boucher, Rick [VA-9] - 1/27/2010
Rep Brady, Kevin [TX-8] - 3/6/2009
Rep Braley, Bruce L. [IA-1] - 7/8/2009
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] - 3/12/2009
Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny [FL-5] - 3/6/2009
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] - 3/3/2009
Rep Calvert, Ken [CA-44] - 4/21/2009
Rep Campbell, John [CA-48] - 4/2/2009
Rep Cantor, Eric [VA-7] - 4/2/2009
Rep Cao, Anh "Joseph" [LA-2] - 7/8/2009
Rep Capito, Shelley Moore [WV-2] - 3/25/2010
Rep Carnahan, Russ [MO-3] - 5/13/2009
Rep Carson, Andre [IN-7] - 3/18/2009
Rep Cassidy, Bill [LA-6] - 3/4/2010
Rep Chaffetz, Jason [UT-3] - 4/21/2009
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] - 4/15/2010
Rep Childers, Travis [MS-1] - 5/21/2009
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5] - 6/19/2009
Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] - 3/17/2009
Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] - 3/19/2010
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